Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Summer Resources

Dear 5B families,

Please see this list of summer resources to challenge
your child over the summer:

Summer Resources

Monday, May 21, 2018

Our last week of school!

Congratulations to our Archway scholars for a fantastic
year! I'm sure next year will bring many new challenges,
rewards, friendships, and discoveries. This year's fifth-
graders are well-equipped to take their next step.

There will be no tutoring this week.

Your child may wear his or her promotion t-shirt
to school on Friday, May 25 for classmates to
sign at the end-of-year celebration.

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer!

This week in science, students will finish their
children's biography and turn it in by the end of
the day on Monday. On Tuesday, science block
will be a study hall, so students should come
prepared with work.

In history, students will continue writing
and rehearsing their Russian monarch plays,
to be performed in class on Thursday.

This week in grammar, students will continue composing their 
myths or tall tales in class. On Tuesday, they will complete their
 final drafts and have the opportunity to illustrate their stories. On 
Wednesday and Thursday, students will share their final stories with the class.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Our week in learning 5/14

It is incredible that our final week of five full days has already arrived!
Next week brings promotion and our end-of-year celebration. I am so
proud of how far all our scholars have come.

This week in Language Arts, students will take their end-of-year grammar test 
and begin learning about myths, legends, and tall tales. At the end of the week, 
students will begin composing their own such fiction!

In Across Five Aprils, students will add finishing touches to their literature 
project on Tuesday to turn in on Wednesday.
  • A title
  • A summary of a Civil War battle or event (2 paragraph minimum)
  • An opinion article (see handout for prompt; must include 2 quotations; 
    2-3 paragraph minimum)
  • A Civil War era photograph to accompany the summary
  • An advertisement of a Civil War era product
The project will be due on May 16th.

In history, students are wrapping up their exciting unit on 
Native Americans: Cultures and Conflicts. Students will learn about
 the Indian Wars, the Battle of Little Bighorn, Custer, Wovoka, and the 
Battle of Wounded Knee. The study guides are due Wednesday, 5/16 
and the test will be on Thursday, 5/17. On Friday, students will begin 
our final, short, non-tested unit on Russia.

This week in science, students will take their final unit exam of the year over
 the nervous system. On Tuesday, students will watch a short film about the 
chemist Percy Lavon Julian, and will have the opportunity to use biographical 
material to research his life and contributions to science. In groups of two, students
 will produce an illustrated children’s book about Julian’s life. They will have two 
full in-class days to complete this project, and should not need to work on it at 
home. The finished book is due next Monday. 

This week in math, students will complete their end-of-year Singapore math test.
This will not be taken for a grade. They will also complete some brainteasers
and learn about famous mathematicians. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Our week in learning 5/7

Click here to play Nervous System Jeopardy!

The antepenultimate week of the 2017-2018 school year has arrived! This week,
students will continue to work on their literature projects; we will finish reading
Across Five Aprils; and students will prepare for their final science and grammar
exams of the year. Math groups will resume at 8:00 this Wednesday.

Clubs: The final day of clubs is Friday, May 11 (exception: K-1 Art).

Students will be completing their study of angles in math this week by studying the
 properties of quadrilaterals, as well as getting in some protractor practice by 
teaching each other how to draw quadrilaterals. To help review for the Friday test,
 students will be reviewing Thursday in class as well as creating a geometry toolkit 
 with all of our important concepts from this unit.  

This week in language arts, students will be reviewing their grammar notes from
 throughout the year in preparation for their end-of-year grammar test. In addition
 to reviewing their classification and diagramming skills, they will review parts of 
speech, predicate adjectives and nominatives, direct and indirect objects, pronouns 
and antecedents, rules for making a word possessive, and using colons and 
semicolons. On Wednesday, students should take home a practice test that will 
serve as a study guide for the test next Tuesday, May 15th.

In Across Five Aprils, students will finish the book and begin their final literature
 project: creating a newspaper page which contains:
  • A title
  • A summary of a Civil War battle or event (2 paragraph minimum)
  • An opinion article (see handout for prompt; must include 2 quotations; 
    2-3 paragraph minimum)
  • A Civil War era photograph to accompany the summary
  • An advertisement of a Civil War era product
The project will be due on May 16th. Students will be given some time in class
 throughout the week, but this project should be largely completed at home. 

This week in science, students will finish learning about the nervous system by
 learning about the lobes of the brain and their functions. The study guide is due 
on Friday, and a review game will take place in class on Thursday. This will allow 
students to correct and clarify questions on their study guides before they are due. 
The nervous system unit test will be on Monday, May 14.

Students are beginning their exciting unit on Native Americans: Cultures and 
Conflicts. Students were separated into groups on Friday to read chapters about 
specific regions of Native Americans. In these groups, students will prepare a short
 15-minute lesson with notes about their chapter. Presentations will take place on 
Wednesday. We will also learn about relations between Indians and European settlers 
before the American Revolution, revisit the Louisiana Purchase, and the Trail of Tears. 
Students will also learn about the effects of European diseases on the Indian population, 
and the Sand Creek Massacre. Students already have their study guides for this 
short unit. The study guides are due Wednesday, 5/16 and the test will be on 
Thursday, 5/17.




Monday, April 30, 2018

Our week in learning 4/30

As the last month of the school year approaches, our schedule is full steam
ahead. Students will have many unit tests and quizzes in the upcoming weeks.
Our poetry recitation for "O Captain, My Captain" is on Wednesday, and short
root quizzes will take place every week until the quarterly roots test.

 This week in math, students will continue their study of angles, diving into studying 
different types of triangles as well as angles in a quadrilateral. There will be a brief 
quiz on Thursday that we will review for in math groups, so students should be 
well prepared.

In language arts this week, students will learn about the appropriate use of 
semicolons and colons. They will be reviewing the parts of speech and previous 
grammar material in preparation for a quiz on Friday. Students should spend a few
 minutes every night ensuring that they are familiar with the parts of speech. They 
will continue Spalding as usual, and will continue working through Across Five Aprils 
with the expectation of finishing the novel next week.

This week in science, students will take the endocrine system unit test on Monday
 and will begin learning about the nervous system on Tuesday. The study guide will 
be handed out early this unit so that students will have the opportunity to work on it 
nightly. The nervous system unit test is scheduled for Monday, May 14.

Students have almost finished their study of westward expansion! Their study
 guides are due on Tuesday, and the unit test is on Wednesday. They will also have
the chance to showcase their knowledge while working on an advertisement for 
westward settlers in small groups this week in class. This should be an entirely in-class 
project, and students will have the chance to present on Thursday.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Our week in learning 4/24

 Endocrine Jeopardy! link

I hope everyone had a restful long weekend. This week, we are back to our
regular schedule after AZMerit, which will include Spalding. In math, we
will begin a unit on angles. Please make sure your child brings a protractor
to school each day.

Math groups will take place from 8:45-9:30 for the next two Wednesdays,
due to music concert practice in the gym.

In math this week, students will begin their study of angles. They will review types
 of angles, the use of a protractor, and begin a study of vertically opposite angles
 and angles in a triangle. This will lay a great foundation for geometry classes in 
the future! Please ensure that your student has a protractor to use at school. We 
will have math groups this week on Wednesday 8:45-9:45.  

In language arts this week, students will review the basics of grammar and
 sentence diagramming in preparation for the end-of-year grammar test.

Spalding lessons begin again this week!

Students will continue reading and journaling through Across Five Aprils 
chapter 8.

This week in history, students will continue into a unit about westward expansion 
after the civil war, and will learn what life was like for homesteaders, cowboys and
 miners. They will receive their study guide this Wednesday that they may start 
working on in advance of the test on 5/2. 

This week in science, students will review for the endocrine system unit test, which
 will take place next Monday, April 30. On Thursday and Friday, students will participate
 in human growth and development lessons. There is no homework for these lessons, 
but it is important that students study for the endocrine unit test during this time to keep 
the concepts fresh in their minds.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Our week in learning 4/16

By the end of this week, AZMerit testing for the 2018-2019 school year will be
 complete! Due to AZMerit testing, there will be no math tutoring this week, as
all of the pertinent math concepts will be reviewed during class.

Please remember to send headphones or earbuds with your child on Tuesday and
Thursday. These are required for AZMerit testing.

Students will not have homework on Monday or Wednesday in order to obtain
adequate rest before AZMerit exams.

This week in language arts, students will continue to prepare for the AZ Merit, 
which will happen on Tuesday and Thursday. They will review identifying main 
ideas and supporting details.On Friday, students will dust off their sentence 
diagramming skills with a diagramming game. In literature, students will read 
through chapter six. Next week, students will begin regular Spalding homework 

This week in science, students will read about some endocrine diseases: 
hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and diabetes. They will be expected to take 
two-column notes on these diseases independently. Some of the information 
will be on the endocrine system test on 4/30. Students will receive their 
endocrine system study guides at the end of this week. 

This week in history, students will review for the Civil War test.. Please note that 
when students have a summary paragraph for homework, that should serve as their 
notes for that chapter. Study guides are due today, Monday, April 16th. Students will 
have their Civil War test on Wednesday, April 18th. Because this is in the middle of
 our two AZMerit test days, we are taking 2 ½ days to review for their test IN CLASS. 
Students will also have the opportunity to work on their foldables in class. These will
 be due on Wednesday, April 18th. 

In math this week, we will continue AZMerit practice on Monday and Wednesday. 
Students will take the AZMerit math portions one and two on Tuesday and Thursday 
this week. We will have math groups this week on Wednesday 8:00-9:15. On Friday,
 students will partake in some much-deserved math games.