Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Our week in learning 10/24

 Click here for Classification presentation

Click here for Kingdom Animalia presentation 

Welcome back from the long weekend! This week begins block. Grammar will be with Ms. Speagle, History will be with Mrs. Lynch, and all other subjects will take place in the homeroom. I am pleased to see that students are so excited for this change.

This week in History, students will begin learning about the Reformation. We will be addressing this topic as a historical event-not labeling “good” and “bad”. Students will be learning about the objective corruptions within the Catholic church at this time, then the Counter-Reformation, and lastly, the Reformation’s effect on science. This week, we will focus on
Zwingli, Calvin, and briefly, Henry VIII. We will get to have an enrichment day going over Henry VIII more in-depth after the unit is finished. On Wednesday, students will take the Midwest, Great Plains, and Rocky Mountain Region location quiz. We will also learn about our own Southwest region of the United States. Please note that there will be a 50 states location test before Thanksgiving Break.

This week in Math, students will continue with our fractions unit. We will work on converting measurements and solving word problems. Our unit test will be next week. There will be math groups this Wednesday, 8:00-9:00.

In science this week, students will begin their classification unit, studying the animal kingdom and several different phyla and classes. They will learn the traits of different kinds of animals and how scientists distinguish them from one another. Additionally, students will put their roots skills to work learning species’ scientific names in Latin. There will be an open-note take-home quiz on Friday.

This week, students will learn about pronouns. They will begin reading “Where the Red Fern Grows.” Expect to see a homework comprehension sheet for each completed chapter.

In grammar, students will learn roots 30-33 and take a short quiz on Friday. They will review classifying and diagramming throughout the week. Next week, students will begin studying possessive nouns.


1 comment:

  1. Did the study guide come home for the state quiz? Do you have a date of when the test will be?
