Monday, February 26, 2018

Our week in learning 2/26

  Botany Notebook Check - These are the requirements for the botany notebook that
will be collected on Friday.

Click here to play Botany Jeopardy!

This quarter has whizzed by so quickly, and now our eighth week is here.

Mrs. Luttjohann (pronounced LUTT-john) will be joining us for the next two
weeks as a temporary Teaching Assistant! Mrs. Luttjohann is currently an
Athenaeum teacher working with kindergartners. She is excited to join our
class until spring break, and we will warmly welcome her.

This week in language arts, students will compose their own five-paragraph 
essay based on the outlines and texts used in class. They will compose the 
outline in class on Monday for their entire essay and add one or two paragraphs 
each night. On Thursday, students will be given time in class to write their final draft, 
which is due on Friday morning. In order to respect our homework time each night, 
please do not have your student write the entire essay in one sitting--instead, 
students will be assigned 1-2 paragraphs of writing each night, part of which 
should be completed in class.

In literature, students will continue reading up to chapter 26 of the Secret Garden. 
Next week, students will complete the book and write a short three-paragraph essay 
about the most dynamic character in the story, comparing and contrasting their 
character at the beginning and end. 

In science this week, students will play a review game on Monday to prepare for 
the unit test on Tuesday. The unit test will be a combination of multiple choice and 
short answer questions, similar to the study guide. On Thursday, students will take
 notes on plant anatomy and take a short quiz on Friday. Science notebooks will be
 collected for participation points on Friday. All notes taken in class during the plant
 unit must be present in the notebook to receive full credit. If your child is missing 
any of the notes, they may ask me for a copy and glue them in.

This week in history, students will continue learning about the Civil War. Students 
will be learning about the life of a slave, the Missouri Compromise, growth of anti-slavery 
feelings, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and growing differences between the North and South.
 We will learn about Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Students will finish 
learning about pre-Civil War material before break and have a short quiz over the notes 
in their foldables. We will do an activity where students create quizzes and turn them in.
 I will then create a quiz using some of their questions. Their very short quiz will take place
 on Friday, 3/9. Please note that there is sensitive material regarding slavery throughout 
the unit, particularly during the lesson Monday, 2/26.  

In math this week, we will start their unit on percentages. This week, students will practice
 converting between fractions, percentages, and decimals by creating a foldable for their 
math notebooks. There will be no math groups for the rest of the quarter. We will begin with 
math groups again in quarter 4.  

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